Immersion Programme
The Alumni Association of the Faculty of Law, organized an Immersion Programme for selected Law Students at John Keells Holding PLC. 6 Students started the programme on 10th November 2022.
The programme ran from 10-18th November at John Keells Holdings.
The programme started with an introduction to the JKH Industry Groups. The students were familiarized with the work of the Legal and Secretarial Departments of the group, including its composition and structure, work they are responsible for and introduction to major projects of the Group . Every student was allocated a lawyer from the organisation as their mentor for this period. The programme also included court visits, business site visits and a visit to the Registrar of Companies and familiarization with Notarial practice.. They also got an opportunity to sit at executive meetings and shareholder meetings.
On the last day, there were presentations by the students on what they learnt and discussions on how they can progress in their areas of interest.
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+94 77 224 0384 (Secretary)